The Smile

Geen The Smile en Dudu Tassa & Jonny Greenwood

Door ziekte van Jonny Greenwood is zojuist bekend geworden dat hij komende tijd helaas niet kan optreden. Daarom gaan de shows van The Smile en Dudu Tassa & Jonny Greenwood op Lowlands ook niet door.

Het management van Jonny Greenwood laat weten: "A few days ago, Jonny became seriously ill from an infection that needed emergency hospital treatment, some of it in intensive care. Mercifully he is now out of danger and will soon return home. We have been instructed by the medical team in charge of Jonny’s care to cancel all engagements until he has had time to make a full recovery. To that end, The Smile tour of Europe in August is cancelled."

We wensen Jonny een spoedig herstel toe.